Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Planetary Grid Activation

There will be a very powerful planetary etheric leyline grid activation which will be triggered by the Solar eclipse on March 29th:


During that eclipse, a strong flash of Light will activate planetary Dragon leylines with a quantum leap to the new level, so that the planetary energy grid will be ready for the cascade of events that will follow in quick succession in April and May.

In the next few blog updates I will be able to say more about this very powerful activation process taking place in April and May.

Until then, preparation steps need to be taken and lots of darkness removed so that the Light can finally begin to enter.

First, a clearing process of the deepest part of Lurker subquantum anomaly on the surface of the planet will be taking place between the Lunar eclipse on March 14th and the Solar eclipse on March 29th:


Clearing of subquantum anomaly is never pleasant or easy, so brace for the impact.

On top of that, Saturn rings will be edge-on as seen from Earth on March 23rd:


That configuration usually opens a dark portal between intergalactic subquantum anomaly, Saturn and Earth, and when it happened in February 1996 it was one among the darkest moments in human history:


This time, it will be an opportunity for the Light forces to clear a large portion of subquantum anomaly once and for all.

Also, in the time frame between the two eclipses, Sun will travel from the last degrees of Pisces into first degrees of Aries and activate the stellium of planets (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune) sitting near the Pisces / Aries boundary. This stellium signifies a powerful transition between the outdated patterns of the old society into a new spiritual cycle.



One very significant aspect of that transition process is disillusionment, which is necessary to release the old. This disillusionment will be triggered by the coming Saturn / Neptune conjunction, and there is a very interesting hint about that conjunction in the following article for those who have eyes to see:


After the activation on March 29th, more powerful energies will begin to flow through Cintamani stones, and here are some guidelines how to work with those sacred stones:


There are many people now burying cintamanis and other stones on the leylines in preparation for the March 29th activation, and here are some guidelines:


Also, this time frame will see a significant energy upgrade of the Tachyon chambers. For the planetary energy grid to function in harmony and balance, more Tachyon chambers need to activated, especially in North, Central and South America:


As Pleiadian fleet is getting closer, the healing process inside the chambers will be getting even more effective:


After March 29th, many key planetary vortexes will experience powerful activations.

The first one is the Jerusalem vortex, which is anchored at the Temple Mount:


During late Atlantean times, this was the main Orion programming and implanting center for the native Natufian population:




King Solomon decided to purify the energy of the area and built his temple there:


One part of his temple was dedicated to the goddess Asherah:




Energy of Asherah needs to invoked to bring healing and balance to the Jerusalem vortex and the whole region:



Also, to heal the occult reasons for the conflict in Gaza and bring peace to the area, the archetype of the war goddess Anat needs to be purified and healed:



There is a very significant but completely neglected vortex of Ashtar Sheran in Yemen, and that vortex will experience realignment and healing after March 29th. A statue of Athtar Harman (Sabean name of Ashtar Sheran) was found in Yemen:


Another vortex that will experience its renaissance after March 29th is the New York City vortex:


Naples in Italy is a very interesting city, because is the location where Isis mysteries have entered the European continent from Alexandria:



It is from Naples that Egyptian mysteries re-emerged again in the 18th century:


Naples Goddess Vortex will be reactivated at this amazing place:


Paris double vortex will also be upgraded.

The Versailles part will receive a boost through the Grotto:



The Paris part will receive an empowerment through the Temple of Amitie:




That temple belonged to Loge de'l Amitie, a masonic lodge created in Paris around 1775 to cultivate Goddess mysteries:


To support this huge planetary activation process, and especially the completion of the Pan-American Dragon leyline, we will be having a workshop in Bogota on April 13th:



and in New York city on April 19th:




You are more than welcome to join us.

Victory of the Light!


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Grid ratio recovery attempt failure, state of emergency declared at 504

Systems security breach at 504

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Planetary Situation Update

The Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors:





Musk is asking himself, where are the aliens?


He will get his answer after a thorough audit of the Pentagon:



Rand Paul is suggesting an audit of Fort Knox:



As Elon Musk is not very familiar with the role of gold in the occult economy, I need to stress that density of gold (19.28 g/cm3) is very similar to density of much cheaper tungsten (19.25 g/cm3) and many gold bars are actually tungsten bars coated with a thin layer of gold:


Many such fake gold bars are freely available on internet:


The easiest way to distinguish between real gold bars and fake tungsten gold plated bars is by an ultrasound tester:


As it is very likely that much of “gold” in Fort Knox is actually tungsten, every single gold bar there would need to be tested with an ultrasound tester when the audit is made.

Geopolitically, a monumental breakthrough has happened that can finally lead to peace in Ukraine:


Here it is interesting to note that both Putin and Trump gravitate to the peace agreement very similar to the one I have outlined in my censored blog post three years ago, both also mentioning common sense in the exact same context used in my article:


Trump also made a suggestion to cut military budget in half, which is a very positive proposal, full of age of Aquarius energy:




To fully support this new energy, the following meditation has been created, and you can participate if you feel so guided:


The breakthroughs happening in the US are wonderful, but there are still three main pockets of darkness that need to be addressed: Europe, Israel ad China.

The Light Forces have just finished clearing a network of huge reservoirs of black goo (Chimera spider etheric poison) which were stored in containers at human sacrifice sites under churches, synagogues, temples and catacombs for many hundreds of years, sometimes millennia.

These containers were the main source of power for dark magi of Black Nobility of Europe, death cult of Baal in Israel, and dark Tibetan network in China. Many souls trapped in these reservoirs are now freed, and the black goo successfully cleared. This will diminish the power of the Dark forces significantly. As all of this was subquantumly entangled by the Lurker, now the Lurker is at least 70% cleared.

Main locations of these reservoirs were under Rome, Paris, London, Kiev, Odessa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona, Urumqi and Beijing.

Although those reservoirs were cleared, the above mentioned locations are still one of the main focal points of the dark forces.

In Europe, Black nobility and their minions want to continue the war in Ukraine:



In Israel, they want to continue the war in Gaza:


In China, they are microchipping the population:



When Light gains more momentum, positive changes will be visible in those regions also.



In the meantime, you can read Phoenix workshop notes:



Or discover your star origins:


Victory of the Light!


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Friday, February 7, 2025

MIDAS ALPHA activation failure, MIDAS BETA activation in progress

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Workshop

Kyoto conference was a huge success. We had a strong group that managed to anchor and reinforce the positive timeline for the year 2025.

In the morning before the start of the first day of the conference, a huge meteor lit the skies above Kyoto and other parts of Japan:



And at the end of the second day, a rainbow cloudship appeared above Mount Fuji:



You can read the notes from the conference here:



And notes from the workshop in Taiwan here:


Kyoto is a very powerful place. Ancient Kyoto, Heiyan-kyo, was built at the end of the 8th century and it was modeled after Chang'an (modern Xian in China) which was the capital of the Tang dynasty. Both cities were built under strong Aldebaran influence and are two main entry points of the Blue Dragon Agartha leyline:



Kyoto is one of the main planetary entry points for many positive extraterrestrial races, Aldebarans since the 6h century, and later also Sirians:


A huge meteor was visible over Kyoto in the year 637:


A single tektite fell from space on a balcony of a building in Kyoto in 1993:


Kyoto is perhaps the only place on the planet where tektites can also be eaten:


You can read more fascinating details about Kyoto and extraterrestrial presence throughout the history of Japan in this Cobra interview:


Planetary situation now contains both Light and dark elements.

On January 1st, the Cabal has triggered 2025 Omega programming among trauma mind controlled individuals, which led to many violent incidents around the world.

A few days later they lit three fires with a dark occult ritual in a triangular configuration in an effort to further diminish the Los Angeles vortex:



Their effort backfired, as the fires only burnt many dark entities which previously inhabited the area, and made the vortex even stronger.

They eye of the vortex, Lake Shrine, was surrounded by fire from all sides, but was divinely protected and remained intact:




One important aspect of the Los Angeles vortex was Bodhi Tree Bookstore, which was one of the main neural nodes for the planetary awakening:


It was closed in 2011, and now the Light forces are requesting that a similar physical bookstore is opened as soon as possible in or near Santa Monica.

A meditation was called to help put out the fire, and you can join if you feel so guided:


On a more positive note, people practicing the ATVOR ray have improved the efficiency of ATVOR technology, and finally Sirians can begin re-entering the area around the Earth for the first time since 1996. Many Sirians in etheric delphinoid bodies are coming back in their cloaked etheric motherships, and this will improve energies around the planet significantly.

Zambian emerald is a stone that can help heal the trauma and anomaly of the Great forgetting of 1996:


Inside the Agartha network, many priestesses are doing strong invocations of the fuchsia Goddess ray and they are projecting the energies of this ray to the surface, as there is far too little Goddess presence on the surface right now.

Fuchsia colored ray invokes a combination of energies of feminine love and power, and you can connect with energies of this ray through red beryl:


Small steps towards Disclosure are being taken. Scientists are beginning to find evidence of previous cosmic cycles:


They are also finding indirect evidence of extraterrestrial life:


More evidence is supporting the Solar flash:



And the polar shift:


With some recent hints, namely the Earth oscillation parameters pointing at Earth core/mantle boundary reaching an etheric scalar null zone in 2025:


Geopolitically, the following brilliant suggestion just came out recently:





United States will be the main focus in 2025, and to further reinforce the positive timeline for 2025, we need as many people as possible to join our workshop in Phoenix on February 1st:


There, more people will be initiated into the ATVOR ray:


Phoenix is a very powerful vortex, the entry point for the Pleiadians to anchor the New Atlantis, and the most likely place for individual Contact:



Victory of the Light!